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Promised Walk of Peace
In-Game Description A hex created from an ancient miracle of unknown origin. Slows the walki...
Profound Still
In-Game Description A hex created by an ostracized cleric. Blocks the spells of nearby caster...
In-Game Description A hex that transforms its caster's flesh. Temporarily reduces received dam...
Lifedrain Patch
In-Game Description Consume a number of souls and affix dark to a certain spot. Inflicts damag...
Great Resonant Soul
In-Game Description A hex that distorts the power of life. Emits a large mass of dark at the c...
Dead Again
In-Game Description Hex that casts a dark flame upon corpses, causing them to combust violentl...
In-Game Description An esoteric spell created by Navlaan, the infamous exiled sorcerer. Creat...
Dark Weapon
In-Game Description Felkin the Outcast applied his art to transform Magic Weapon into a hex. A...
Dark Orb
In-Game Description A hex modified from an old sorcery by Gilleah, the father of Hexing. Fire...
Dark Hail
In-Game Description A hex modified from an old sorcery by Gilleah the Hexer. Fires several or...
Dark Greatsword
In-Game Description Hex adapted from an ancient sorcery. Brandish Dark like a sword. By its ...
Dark Fog
In-Game Description A hex that releases a temporary localized mist. Those who breath in the mi...
Dark Dance
In-Game Description Hex that converts souls into a large mass of Dark. This momentous mass of...
In-Game Description A hex that distorts the power of life. Emits a mass of dark, but at the co...
In-Game Description An advanced hex based on an ancient sorcery. Creates a dark mass that seem...
Woodland Child Victor
Description A vicious Red Phantom found in the Black Gulch. Equipment Giant Stone Ax...
Woodland Child Gully
Description A vicious Red Phantom found in the Black Gulch. Equipment Giant Stone Ax...
Washing Pole Phantom
Description A Red Phantom found guarding the Embedded. Equipment Syan's Set Washing P...
Wall Watchman
Description Human knights guarding the ramparts. They are invisible until you find the Eye...
Wall Warrior
aka Wall Spectre Description The ghost of a former warrior which will phase throu...