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TrophyAchievement NameAchievement Description
Abysmal CovenantDiscovery of the abysmal covenant
Ancient DragonAcquire Ashen Mist Heart
Brightstone BonfireLight the primal bonfire in Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Brilliant CovenantDiscover a most brilliant covenant
Change of ClothesGive Rosabeth of Melfia something to wear
Clangorous CovenantDiscover the clangorous covenant
Covenant of AncientsDiscover an ancient covenant
Covenant of the FittestDiscover the covenant of the fittest
Covenant of the MeekDiscover the covenant of the meek
Curious MapLight all flames on the map in Majula
Garrulous MiserInherit Laddersmith Gilligan's equipment
Gathering of ExilesIncrease the population of Majula
Gesture MaestroLearn all gestures
Gnawing CovenantDiscover the covenant of rodents
Gulch BonfireLight the primal bonfire in the Black Gulch
Holder of the FortInherit Captain Drummond's equipment
Iron Keep BonfireLight the primal bonfire in the Iron Keep
King's RingAcquire the King's Ring
Last GiantDefeat the Last Giant
Looking Glass KnightDefeat Looking Glass Knight
LucatielInherit equipment from Lucatiel of Mirrah
Master of HexesLearn all Hexes
Master of MiraclesLearn all Miracles
Master of PyromancyLearn all Pyromancies
Master of SorceryLearn all Sorceries
Moonlight GreatswordInherit Benhart of Jugo's equipment
Protector CovenantDiscover the covenant of the protectors
Reflections on DisembodimentInherit equipment from the head of Vengarl
Sanguinary CovenantDiscover the covenant of the bloodthirsty
Selfless GiverMax out devotion to covenant
Self RecollectionReclaim the flesh and set out as an Undead
Sinner's BonfireLight the primal bonfire in Sinner's Rise
Smith for LifeInherit Steady Hand McDuff's equipment
Supreme WeaponReinforce a weapon to its limit
The Dark SoulAcquire all trophies
The HeirSee the ending
This Is Dark SoulsDie for the first time
VendrickDefeat Vendrick

YouTube Walkthrough for all Trophies/Achievements

  • A YouTube walkthrough showing how to obtain all trophies/achievements is available here.
  • A spreadsheet detailing requirements for each trophy is available here.