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Giant Basilisk

aka Great Basilisk


A giant version of the Basilisk.

Shaded Woods / Huntsman's Copse
Bonfire IntensityHPSouls
Aldia's Keep
Bonfire IntensityHPSouls
  • Only spawns once in the Shaded Woods

Shaded Woods
After the Shaded Ruins bonfire in the open field with Lion Clan Warriors. Only in Dark Souls II.

Huntsman's Copse
Just before the Undead Refuge bonfire, found in the pit that contains Ricard's Rapier. Only in Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin.

Aldia's Keep
In a cage at the top of the staircase, just past the petrified Ogre.


  • Petrified Dragon Bone (Dark Souls 2, Shaded Woods) (100%)
  • Large Titanite Shard x3 (Scholar of the First Sin, Huntsman's Copse) (100% and respawns with 100%)
  • Dragon Sage Hood (Aldia's Keep) (Rare)
  • Magic Stone (Aldia's Keep) (Rare)


  • Medium Magic, Lightning and Dark Resistance
  • Low Fire Resistance

Petrification Cloud - Similar to regular Basilisks. Raises on its hind legs, then releases a cloud that will build up your petrification meter if you stay in it.
Claw Swipe - Does a single claw swipe in a wide arc, which can be followed by another in an opposite direction. Has good initial tracing, it can quickly turn towards you to initiate this attack.
Tail Swing - Uses this attack if you stay behind it for too long. Swings its tail in a left-right-downward pattern.


  • Melee - Wait for the petrification cloud, then go and attack it from behind. Stay there, and block or dodge its claw and tail attacks, getting a hit or two in afterwards.
  • Ranged - Both Basilisks can be killed from range with little risk.