Hollow Priest
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Description Location Equipment Drops Attacks |
Drangleic clerics in the service of the Prowling Magus. How and why they came to serve this evil being is as mysterious as the clerics themselves; it is uncertain whether they even retain their own consciousnesses or are merely extensions of the Magus' will.1
Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Two are members of the Congregation.
Bonfire Intensity | HP | Souls |
1 (NG) | 900 | 0 |
2 (NG+) | 1,440 | 0 |
8 (NG+7) | 2,200 | 0 |
Hidden behind the illusory wall next to the Prowling Magus & Congregation boss fog wall. Bonfire Intensity 2+ only.
Bonfire Intensity | HP | Souls |
1 (NG) | N/A | N/A |
2 (NG+) | 700 | 960 |
8 (NG+7) | ? | 1,920 |
- Priest's Chime
- White Priest Set
- Human Effigy (roaming phantom)
- Twilight Herb (roaming phantom)
Congregation Members
- Lightning Spear: while it looks exactly like the weakest type of Lightning Spear, it is actually quite powerful.
- A self-buff that boosts the caster's defenses.
- A large AoE healing spell which replenishes a great amount of health to self and all nearby allies.
Black Phantom
- A lightning sphere which causes little damage but heavy knock-down effect.
- A self-buff that boosts the caster's defenses.