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Hollow Priest

FoldUnfold Table of Contents Description Location Equipment Drops Attacks


Drangleic clerics in the service of the Prowling Magus. How and why they came to serve this evil being is as mysterious as the clerics themselves; it is uncertain whether they even retain their own consciousnesses or are merely extensions of the Magus' will.1


Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Two are members of the Congregation.
Bonfire IntensityHPSouls
1 (NG)9000
2 (NG+)1,4400
8 (NG+7)2,2000
Black Phantom
Hidden behind the illusory wall next to the Prowling Magus & Congregation boss fog wall. Bonfire Intensity 2+ only.
Bonfire IntensityHPSouls
1 (NG)N/AN/A
2 (NG+)700960
8 (NG+7)?1,920


  • Priest's Chime
  • White Priest Set


  • Human Effigy (roaming phantom)
  • Twilight Herb (roaming phantom)


Congregation Members

  • Lightning Spear: while it looks exactly like the weakest type of Lightning Spear, it is actually quite powerful.
  • A self-buff that boosts the caster's defenses.
  • A large AoE healing spell which replenishes a great amount of health to self and all nearby allies.

Black Phantom

  • A lightning sphere which causes little damage but heavy knock-down effect.
  • A self-buff that boosts the caster's defenses.
Footnotes 1. Dark Souls II Collector's Edition Guide description