Suspicious Shadow
aka Nimble Shadow
Those who are especially adept assassins
are often hired as bodyguards.
In an attempt to stave off the curse,
King Vendrick hired shadowmen to
put down the Hollows, but before long
they were Hollowed themselves.
No-man's Wharf
Two of them spawn during the Flexile Sentry boss fight at Bonfire Intensity 2 and above.
Bonfire Intensity | HP | Souls |
1 | 330 | 350 |
2 | 670 | 700 |
8 | 1,250 | 1,400 |
Scholar of the First Sin
No-man's Wharf
Two can be found hanging from ceilings in the area just after the shortcut lever and bell.
Bonfire Intensity | HP | Souls |
1 | 330 | 350 |
2 | 670 | 700 |
8 | 1,250 | 1,400 |
Lost Bastille
One can be found hanging from the ceiling in the large room with the Pharros' contraption and statue, near the cage lift shortcut.
Bonfire Intensity | HP | Souls |
1 | 700 | 350 |
2 | 1,380 | 700 |
8 | 2,700 | 1,400 |
Earthen Peak
One can be found hanging from the ceiling in a room at the top of the area, just before the the boss fog and Upper Earthen Peak bonfire.
Bonfire Intensity | HP | Souls |
1 | 700 | 350 |
2 | 1,380 | 700 |
8 | 2,700 | 1,400 |
- Very High— Fire Resistance
- Medium Dark Resistance
- Low Magic and Lightning Resistance
- Shadow Set
- Malformed Claws
- Shadow Dagger
- They attack by using their claws and projectiles, which can inflict the Bleed and Poison status effects.
- They are fast and agile, but have very little hp and don't deal very much damage.
- Since they keep spawning as long as the boss is alive, you should quit your game back to the menu after you have killed both of them if you want to collect all their drops.
- When you load the save, you will be placed on the dock right next to the ship and the Shadows will respawn. The downside is that your Estus and spells will not replenish, so bring plenty of Lifegems and spell herbs.
- Remember to use Item Discovery gear.
- They can only drop 3 out of the possible items every run. This pool of 3 items does not reset by quitting, you have to rest at a bonfire to change which 3 items drop from them.
- Alternatively, you can Aged Feather your way out of the boss room and work your way back to the ship from the bonfire.
- Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin: run from the Unseen Path to Heide bonfire in No-man's Wharf across the wooden shortcut (near the hollow infantry with the bow and flaming arrows) and go up the stone stairs to the left. You can see one hanging upside down above the house on the right and the other will jump down by the brazier past the house. Note: You can make both Shadows aggro if you go all the way to the brazier. That way you can fight them on the same level without having to use ranged gear. To get the shortcut, kick down a wooden platform near to where Carhillion of the Fold sits.