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Magic Weapon

In-Game Description

Sorcery that imbues weapon in other hand
with magic. Adds magic damage to the types of
damage the weapon already inflicts.

Wielding a sword and casting a sorcery
are two different things, and some members
the(sic) Melfian Magic Academy view these varieties
of spells as impure.


Increases weapon's Magic damage by [(Weapon's original Magic damage + 50) x 1.15]. Duration depends on Intelligence.
Based on some testing done and posted here, it is clear that the above formula is wrong. However, magic weapon was not specifically tested. If the formula follows the pattern, we can infer that the bonus given by this spell is most likely [(total base damage * 0.15) +5]


Sold by Carhillion of the Fold for 2,000 souls.


Spell Type Uses Duration Attunement
Self/Buff 8-15 63-135 sec 1 10

Cast Increases with Attunement

Attunement Uses
10 8
26 9
32 10
38 11
49 12
58 13
79 14
94 15

Duration Increases with Intelligence

Intelligence Duration
10 63 sec
15 135 sec