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Fire Orb

In-Game Description

A stronger form of fireball.
Creates a fireball that is hurled at foes.
Also inflicts damage to does near the point of

The power of pyromancies is influenced
by one's pyromancy flame, which can be
strengthened through reinforcement.


A stronger form of Fireball. Creates a fireball that is hurled at foes. Also inflicts damage to foes near point of contact.
Base damage (before enemy resistance) from a direct hit is approximately : 1.75 * catalyst's fire attack.


  • Sold by Rosabeth of Melfia for 3,400 souls.
  • Dropped by Flame Salamanders in Forest of Fallen Giants.


Spell Type Uses Duration Attunement Slots
Ranged/Fire 4-8 N/A 1

Cast Increases with Attunement

Attunement Uses
10 4
32 5
43 6
58 7
94 8