Black Firebomb
In-Game Description
Bisque urn filled with black powder.
Explodes, inflicting great fire damage.
Utilizes a powerful explosive developed
in the fallen kingdom of Forossa.
Black firebombs can cause harm to their
owners when misused, and Forossa law
defined stringent standards for their
safe storage.
Explodes, inflicting great Fire damage.
Base damage from a direct hit is: 240 + 1.5 x Fire Bonus
The explosion can deal damage to many nearby enemies at once.
- Unlimited sold by Magerold of Lanafir for 300 souls each
- Three found right above the second bonfire in Earthen Peak
- Three can be found in the Gutter
- Another two can be found in the Gutter
- Two near the second bonfire in Undead Crypt
- Dropped by Cask Runners
- Stronger than regular Firebombs.
- Can be batted out of the air, or even back at the thrower.
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