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Bone of Order

In-Game Description

Online play item.
You will be punished for fleeing from other
worlds by disconnecting unjustly. However,
this charm will disperse the ire directed at you.

But sins are not easily buried, and there's no
telling if you will be let off so easily next time.
Each encounter in life is a precious turn of fate,
and fate will not be cheated.


Restores the link to other worlds

If you repeatedly quit the game or go offline when invaded, summon signs will become completely unavailable, as will help from the Blue Sentinels. You will still get invaded, but now you must now face the invader with no help. This bone works as an apology, allowing you to restore the link between worlds. However, several hours of waiting/idling is needed to get a new one, so it is best to make sure that you will never need to use it.


Character automatically starts with this item.

When a bone is used, another one respawns at the altar in Things Betwixt after an unknown number of hours.


The first ban seems to happen after 10 disconnections (unconfirmed/varies). After waiting in Things Betwixt for 8.5 hours while online, the Bone of Order did not appear.

After the second ban, going offline and staying on the second floor above the old ladies for ~10 hours then resting at bonfire spawned the Bone of Order.

After using the Bone of Order, stayed in the house of the old ladies in Thing Betwixt offline for 11 hours and rested at the bonfire, just as described, and nothing appeared. Tried both while hollow and human. More research must be done.

I was playing with my banned character for about 6 hours offline and 6 hours online and after that I got my new Bone of Order.