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In-Game Description

An attribute that determines your overall stamina.


  • Increases Stamina.
  • One of 4 stats that increase Physical DEF.
  • Increases Poise alongside with Adaptability.
  • Slightly raises HP.

Stamina Increase per point of Endurance

Endurance Stamina added per point
<20 2
>=20 1
=99 2

Equipment which affects Endurance

Item Increase Other Effects
Crown of the Sunken King +1 VIG -1, DEX +1
INT +1, FTH +1
STR +1, VIT -1
Velstadt's Helm +1 VIT +1
Flower Skirt +1 VIG +2
Handmaid's Ladle +1 VIT +1, DEX -1
Vessel Shield 1 VIG +1, ADP +1
INT +1, FTH +1
STR +4, DEX +4

Interaction with Adaptability

Raising the lower of these two stats will result in natural Poise increase. For example, if you have 10 Adaptability plus 10 Endurance, adding 1 point to Endurance will not increase your Natural Poise. On the other hand, if you have 11 points of Adaptability plus 10 points of Endurance, adding 1 more point to Endurance will increase your Poise.

At 1 Endurance plus Adaptability, you will have 0.3 Natural Poise. Natural Poise seems to have two soft caps- one at 30 END+ADP, and another at 50 END+ADP.

Endurance plus Adaptability Natural Poise Gained per Level
1 to 30 +0.3
31 to 50 +0.2
51 to 99 +0.1